

Release of my first CD

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At this moment I'm only two(?) weeks away from my first Spotify release, I think about all the things that could be better; Quality, guitar playing, voice etc. Luckily I've been listening alot to Bob Dylan. He is a great source of inspiration to me with his simple way of singing and playing. He doesn’t seem to care if his voice or harmonica is “out of tune”. That’s not important. The message is important. 

I hope this will be the overall feel from my first album as well. I hope it will bring the message, and also the fun I have with some of the songs. There is a sensitive, heart aching feel to some of the songs; my cry to the people/person I thought of. There osv also a playful, childlike sence about some other songs. 

No matter what I sure enjoy the train I'm on, and the where I'm heading to. I am so “young” in the music making industri, and I try not to be ashamed about flaus in the songs. I challenge you to feel good enough at your place in life aswell, not needing to stribe for something better at all cost. 

Photo by Daniel Karlsen